Coming Soon!
Girlfriend Getaways
Times change, things change, people change and yet sisterhood endures. Somethings we never forget and somethings we remember when we're together.
Imagine this: A girlfriend getaway with all the details handled so all you need to do is show up!
Where are we going next? Northern Lights? Sedona? Leaf Peeping in the New England states?
Release & Renew Experience
Ever wonder why if you replace skin cells every 21 days the flaws come back? The cells have a memory, and without a disruption in the memory it will continue to replicate. And that doesn't apply to just skin cells. There's cellular memory of events in our lives that replay the painful, stuck emotions that the memory originated from. Think of it as an energy molecule (like a solar flare) in the cell, more precisely the mitochondria. The good news is you can finally cool off that solar flare and release the trauma from your cells!

Sisters Soaring
IF you are interested in being with like-hearted women as well as like-minded women...
IF you are ready for your next step even if not fully sure what that is...
IF you're wondering how to get your groove back...
IF sisterhood is a new concept or a tried and true one...
IF you are intrigued by an event with body, mind and spirit connection with a 'reality check' component...
IF you need a little "me" time to relax, engage and play...
Then you are ready to Soar!
Harmony Circles
Allow more ease in your body, more trust in your heart, more harmony within you and between us. Harmony Circles are a heart to heart connection so powerful when Israeli and Palestinian women experienced it they declared "we are sisters!" Let's heal our relationship to the feminine!

Ripple & Receive
Who are we? We are…
Recognizing that as we create change within ourselves, we become a catalyst for change in the world
Inspired women shifting from over-giving to over flowing, from fear of rejection to acceptance
Prioritizing self-care, self-love and self-trust,
first and foremost
Peaceful Warriors entering the space of ease leaving fight, flight or freeze at the door
Lovingly expressing our voice, declaring our space and being embraced
Embodying and emanating our divine feminine energy